23.frankly speaking... the truth, do hurts...

"Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes."

-Oscar Wilde

haha! and indeed we've made a lot of mistakes, thus i'd say that thanks to that, now it would be easier for us to get a better job ain't it?, how? coz we've got a lot of experience, how come? again!...coz we've made a lot of mistakes....hmmm...aaaarrr....hmmm......that doesn't seems right though...

i'm not sure whether there's any truth in it but i'd say that experience doesn't only came from mistakes, excellence too provides valuable experiences which one may use in their daily undertaking.

hmmm... i guess by now many of us should be wondering, what's with the title? what relation does it have with this post? well the answers lies below...

"it doesn't matter of how brilliant and wise one may be, or how accomplished and acknowledged one is, still it does not means that one may not be wrong"

thus the truth is...Mr Wilde, i'd say you're wrong on that matter and if it were possible, i'd challenge you to prove otherwise.

p/s- while posting this, i'm listening to The Ting Tings song 'That's not my name' (the song rawkks!!)


"support jambulism"

22. open your mind or die!!

"Minds are like parachutes - they only function when open."

-Thomas Dewar

hmm...i don't know who you are sir but you sure got one valid point there, i've heard of a few people far and wide who've died simply because they cant open their mind, much like not being able to open ones chutes. (really?) nah! i donno about dying but i believe there's all sorts of bad thing happening because of that i guess.

opening ones mind means the ability to accept something new, understand it and then decide whether to accept or to reject it. not being able to open ones mind means one is having a brain freeze much like the feeling once we've consumed something really...really cold...demmit!! be serious man...(says me to my self) :P

well frankly, i'm not really sure how to explain how a person with a closed mind is (neh! you're to lazy to do so) but i believe everyones got the point. right guys!?

tat tada dat ta...tadaaa...


"support jambulism"

21. my personality age is...nah! who cares!

"Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.

- Mark Twain

yep! i dont mind and its does not matter.

few of my friends took the actual age personality test, yep! the one from Facebook, yeah! most of them gets a younger age but hey! not yours truly, i got a few years ahead of me, thus here, now, i'd say that the test were flawed! (this is me being dissatifiedly jealous !^_^)


"support jambulism"

20. scream if you have to!

"If you love someone, you say it, right then, out loud. Otherwise, the moment just passes you by.

-Julia Roberts

again, something about love and what makes it better, it's said by a lovely gal.

so, you guys and gals out there, do not keep your feeling just to yourself, seized the moment for if you don't, you'll just regret it as time passes by.

do not assume that everyone understands you when u don't say a word as at times, things are better said that done (i mean it in a positive way).


"support jambulism"

19. what do brains do?

"You have to think anyway, so why not think big?

-Donald Trump

yep! the Don said it, why not? its not like you have to pay for it and again as he said, either way, we would still have to think...emmm...that's whats brain are for anyway...i think..(see! whether we want it or not, our brains would still be doing what they must, thinking!)

thinking big allows us to explore uncharted territory. there's challenges in every corner of and i did say in my earlier post that challenges give you experience, experience support your knowledge and knowledge makes ones mind wiser.


"support jambulism"

18. Luck is...

"I say luck is when an opportunity comes along and you're prepared for it."

-Denzel Washington

hmmm...not only that he's a brilliant actor but knowing these words he uttered out, Mr Washington do seems like a brilliant man.

less we know what luck is but these simple word kinda explains it. here now i know why some people seems to be lucky all the time and some aren't. plain and simple, Denzel seems to knows this by heart.

being prepared and having the ability to grasp it is the essence of getting lucky thus my fellows friends do prepare yourself well in everything that you do as when luck knocks on your door, you'll know what needed to be done. sitting and waiting are no longer an option as the saying goes...

"luck waits for no one"


"suport jambulism"

17. triumph often relates with the impossible

The most rewarding things you do in life are often the ones that look like they cannot be done.

-Arnold Palmer

yes, you're 100% right Mr Great Golfer-san, I find your words very inspiring sir, thus as of today I shall do my very best to acquire the ability to breath underwater (without any equipment support of course)... nah! maybe i'll just give up. its too troublesome anyway (cought up with Shikamaru's attitude for a while now).

but then again, remember how we use to say that riding a bike is difficult, i know you do..then do we remember how we cant put the bike down once were getting good at it, yeah remember how it feels like? the feeling of triumph!

and that's just a small example...then imagine how satisfied would we be if we could build a big house on thin air, yeah no land required. hmmm...that'd be good...hmmm...


"support jambulism"

16. Love is and shall always be the enemy of Logic!!

At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.

- Plato

love, in my own definition are the ability to lose reason and logic. loves blinds people, love makes you fly, love is sweet, loves a lullaby.

all the nice2 words we've heard about love have never had any attachment to rational and logic and trust me there shall never be a relation on love and science (or should there?).

love are emotions, love are affection, love are a matter of the heart rather than those of the mind.

" ikut rasa binasa, ikut hati mati" an old malay proverb, (hmmm...or is it the other way around??)

so if love are feelings and its a matter of the heart, how in anyone's logic that it shall brings us happiness.

but then again i am reminded that man and misery live side by side as men needs suffering to strengthen ones heart, to educate ones mind in achieving ones purpose.

"love matures thy mind"

thus, the science is that love induces struggles, struggles offer experience, experience strengthen knowledge and knowledge wises the mind.


"support jambulism"

15. Should we try and fail rather than not trying at all?

"you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try"

Homer Simpson

as said by Homer the great, you shouldn't! ...and knowing Homer you could say that he's rather a crazily outspoken pessimist, but then again, i don't know why but in some weird way this does make sense. he's the only kind of a man (character or whatever) who would say these words:-

"what's the point? we're all slowly dying"

demmit! again in some weird way i think he's right!

whoa! this is frightening! half of my subconscious mind is somewhat agreeing with him.

...but then again, i'm lucky to be taught by some wise old man with this motivating words:-

"if we didn't try, then its already a 100% losses but if we did, the chances increased by half, 50% success and 50% failure"

so Homer, sorry but its your losses. you'll never know what you're missing.

14. Freeeeedooooommm!!!!

"Every man dies. Not every man really lives."

-William Wallace

I remember this! and i thought that some scrip writer genius creates it, but watafa! It was really said by the not so good looking Wallace himself.

take a deep breath and just give it a thought, have you really live? and ain't it amazing for a man with such a short life to have come up with such great words? to be able to amazed minds for ages to come.

it amazed me every times whenever i've come across such inspiring words, i could not stop but think on how they've come up with it. was every men worth mentioned by history were such adept to literacy? a prodigy with words?

yep! understand this, you, me, we all die. an unavoidable fact, all living things does but here Wallace challenge us by mere simple words, have we lived? really? have we?

this reminds me of one other quotes worth mentioning here, a total opposites of what Wallace provoked.

here's what the great Homer Simpson said once when he was ask to do something.

"what's the point, were all slowly dying"

heheh! doesn't Homer deserved to be mentioned by History.

13. Attention all parents!!

"Do not confine your children to your own learning, for they were born in another time."

-Chinese Proverb

I do not know who's the scholar that came up with this amazingly intelligent proverb. nonetheless, it does prove to be thought provoking.

how brilliant the Chinese were and yet they may still be. surprising minds at large even for the years to come.

...but amazingly, with all this blabbering, i cant imagine how to explains this proverb but deep in me somehow, i feel that it is really brilliant, truly important. it somehow made me think on how to treat my children but then again, astoundingly surprising, i cant elaborate this....

blunt mind. i need to stop here and do something else for a change, play games maybe hahah!

that'll help


12. truth be told!!

"Women might be able to fake orgasms. But men can fake a whole relationship."

- Sharon Stone
my oh my! the truth does hurt!

nothing to comment on this, non needed. you'll understand what she means. exactly as what she said.

p/s - who's the greater being here? (or the worst)


11. commercial break! we'll be back after these messages!

"Dancing is silent poetry."

- Simonides (556-468bc)
we'll pardon my ignorance monsieur Simonides but have you seen the dances lately? i think you would rather say..

" Dancing are monkeys on ecstasy"


10. the science of being lucky

"I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have."

- Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

ain't that something Mr. Jefferson? you've realize the unknown science of getting lucky!

the more you do something, the more opportunities opens, the more lucky chances ones gets!

the more you sit and wait, the more chances you let go, the more nothing you'll get and then you yourself shall be nothing.

"opportunity waits for no one, work your butt up and luck is a bonus in the process"

9. presenting! the new guy, a round of applause everyone.

"We have to acknowledge the progress we made, but understand that we still have a long way to go. That things are better, but still not good enough."

-Barrack H. Obama

to move forward, one must realize that what we have is still insufficient. at least that's what i understand from what this new guy is saying, and new guy! people r noticing you, you have been quote on a few thing. that's good ain't it?

don't mind me saying this but your predecessor sucks! big time. hope you turns our expectations around.

anyway, since we all have the power of suggestion and the so called "freedom of speech", i'd really like to quote a few thing on your quotes here.

remember these words said by the wise mr smith in the matrix (don't lough, just here me out)...

"human being are a virus, you move to one place and then multiplies, consuming whatever resources available, once you're done you move to another place and start the cycle all over again"

hmmm...distracting! looking at how things are, we're all viruses!

come to think of it, all the space exploration programs may be seen as a desperate move to find new resources.

dammit!! we are viruses!!

and if things are allowed to continue as they were, we shall all be heading to our doom.

......distracting and disheartening

8. something I wrote


a many deep wound has one obliged
still never a soul is lost
in weary night you wept and cried
life itself is not without cost

understand this or should you lied
change itself must never be forced
for if one did and gallantly died
still that effort is just a lost cause

- encikkendi
2009, March 8

7. a lesson to be remembered!!

"Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one."

-Bill Gates

haha...how ironic life may be...never would i hv thought that an 'otai' in school is just a coolie in work life.

be reminded my future generations, you may be a jock today but a weakling later...its just how life is prearranged- or pre destined one may say.

live a moderate life and learn what you can while you can coz the world are never gonna wait for u to be ready. its a harsh fact that you need to understand, the sooner the better.

6. impossible is nothing!!

"Its always seems impossible until its done. "

-Nelson Mandela

"impossible is nothing"...i've heard one ads used this, not sure what was the ads though, my memory really fails me, i'm not that old anyway, maybe as my wife would say...

"banyak sangat makan semut"

as you see, in malay culture or belief maybe, ants...once eaten r considered as the cause of losing ones memory, but i know in chinese culture, ants r a source of medicine and in some other culture ants are considered as a good source of proteins, thus it is in my great interest that i would think that the missus do means it positively.


5. a smart word from a smart man

"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.

-Albert Einstein

as the title itself, a very smart word from a very smart man, no one and i mean no one should ever question the smartness of these words, ever!

well! don't be fooled by the photo anyway, believe me, he is a very smart man.

i've made a lot of mistakes but i don't see myself as having tried many new thing, maybe these words are only for smart man. but hey! maybe i did try lots of new thing anyway, like i tried and love sushi (but i dont see what relevant mistakes i've done that made me tried it :3 )

still, i did learn lots of thing from the mistakes done, i think that it would suffice for a not so smart man like me.

4. caution to us all!!!

"He who wishes to be rich in a day will be hanged in a year."

-Leonardo Da Vinci

deep and unsettling! i want to be rich within a day, come all the multilevel thingy and i swear that i do have an utmost desire to be in it but then again thanks to all the support rendered by my own rationalism i manage to brush it all away.

how true what da vinci foreseen...nah! not foreseen, experienced maybe but still a lesson to many. as one would say..

"easy come, easy go"

i'm lucky i'm a skeptic, but truth is...do we always have to work hard to be rich, cant there be any simpler ways to be rich that you dont have to hang yourself in the end.

really appreciate it if anyone can answer this. i'm willing to pay 1o bucks though, provided its practical and achievable.


3. life's own basic rule

"Before anything else, preparation is the key to success. "

-Alexander Graham Bell

simple and straight to the point, as i would also say...

" prepare thyself or then be prepared with the consequences"

this reminds me of 1 quote that i love to say during high school, not really sure where i got it or heard of it nor am i sure whether anyone has said it before (this was in 1995). but being me, i'd really like to say that i'm the one who's come up with it but hey! to be fair, i wont. simply put i like this qoute then and it goes as follows ...

"hope for the best but always be prepared for the worst"

if any one knows whos the origin of the quote, feel free to let me know as if not in 10 days i'll declare its my own.. hahah and anyone whos gonna use it better pay me !^_^

2. a brilliant quote from an unsuspected resources

"Sooner will a camel pass through a needle's eye than a great man be "discovered" by an election."

-adolf hitler

how interesting!! and this was foretold by a tyrant more than half a century ago, how typical politics is. non has change till today and i doubt that any shall be in the future, its just the nature of politics. i guess its never wrong to think of what happens here as mere circus shows, pure entertainment blunt and simple. jokes around all day long.

and still...

all our lives are at stakes when you leave a country to the hands of clowns. be it the ruling nor the opposing, non does sees the mess were in but focus instead on who should win.

pardon my stupidity but i believe that there will never be a perfect democracy if there's only one ruling party. one wont perfect their move if no one's opposing. its bloody basic, but then again, clowns just simply cant see this.

...and i pity us in the process.

1. the first notable quotes that drops to my mind!

my first blog! and the first thing i can think of is to share all the powerful word I've heard through life with every one.

the one that i go by these days :-

"the reason i work is to supplement my living, if i cant live while doing it then why work at all?"

yeah, seems like a word of one lazy bum, but hey, am i wrong here? i like to make fun of my friends whos crazily a workaholic, doing OT's all the time even on weekends and PH. imagine that one day infront of your front door, your kids looks at you with a puzzled face and say "mommy! someone's here!!" and simply leave u speechless at the door. i'd like to see their faces then.

one would says what's the point living if you dont have money and others may say a complete opposite, what's the point of having money without being able to live your life. its a chicken and egg story all around but to me i'd prefer life than money.