3. life's own basic rule

"Before anything else, preparation is the key to success. "

-Alexander Graham Bell

simple and straight to the point, as i would also say...

" prepare thyself or then be prepared with the consequences"

this reminds me of 1 quote that i love to say during high school, not really sure where i got it or heard of it nor am i sure whether anyone has said it before (this was in 1995). but being me, i'd really like to say that i'm the one who's come up with it but hey! to be fair, i wont. simply put i like this qoute then and it goes as follows ...

"hope for the best but always be prepared for the worst"

if any one knows whos the origin of the quote, feel free to let me know as if not in 10 days i'll declare its my own.. hahah and anyone whos gonna use it better pay me !^_^

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