16. Love is and shall always be the enemy of Logic!!

At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.

- Plato

love, in my own definition are the ability to lose reason and logic. loves blinds people, love makes you fly, love is sweet, loves a lullaby.

all the nice2 words we've heard about love have never had any attachment to rational and logic and trust me there shall never be a relation on love and science (or should there?).

love are emotions, love are affection, love are a matter of the heart rather than those of the mind.

" ikut rasa binasa, ikut hati mati" an old malay proverb, (hmmm...or is it the other way around??)

so if love are feelings and its a matter of the heart, how in anyone's logic that it shall brings us happiness.

but then again i am reminded that man and misery live side by side as men needs suffering to strengthen ones heart, to educate ones mind in achieving ones purpose.

"love matures thy mind"

thus, the science is that love induces struggles, struggles offer experience, experience strengthen knowledge and knowledge wises the mind.


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