23.frankly speaking... the truth, do hurts...

"Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes."

-Oscar Wilde

haha! and indeed we've made a lot of mistakes, thus i'd say that thanks to that, now it would be easier for us to get a better job ain't it?, how? coz we've got a lot of experience, how come? again!...coz we've made a lot of mistakes....hmmm...aaaarrr....hmmm......that doesn't seems right though...

i'm not sure whether there's any truth in it but i'd say that experience doesn't only came from mistakes, excellence too provides valuable experiences which one may use in their daily undertaking.

hmmm... i guess by now many of us should be wondering, what's with the title? what relation does it have with this post? well the answers lies below...

"it doesn't matter of how brilliant and wise one may be, or how accomplished and acknowledged one is, still it does not means that one may not be wrong"

thus the truth is...Mr Wilde, i'd say you're wrong on that matter and if it were possible, i'd challenge you to prove otherwise.

p/s- while posting this, i'm listening to The Ting Tings song 'That's not my name' (the song rawkks!!)


"support jambulism"


  1. hmmm....i want to correct Mr. Wilde too but since we don't want him to wake up from a very deep and long sleep, just let him RIP..anyway, we only call it experience if we learn from the mistake, those we don't learn, is not an experience...(tetap nak carut gak) perhaps back then, Mr. Wilde's quotes, was relevant...
