30. and no one would have ever thought of this!

"What's another word for thesaurus?"

- Steven Wright.

hahaha..haha..haha... right at you man, i always know if i need another word for cranky, i could always use the thesaurus to look it up but hey! Mr Wright here must have nothing to do with his time to be able to come up with such an amazing question. or did he?

would anyone ever thought of asking this? i know i wont. it wont even pop in my mind.

one would sometime ponder the ability of one mind compared to another, i believe that is why working in a group is such a great idea. my thought would never be exactly the same as yours but then again, thanks to all those standard norms and society approved behavior we, at the end, could all come up to a consensus.

the mind is such a great thing, never, ever let it go to waste.


"support jambulism"


  1. look it in the thesaurus la stupid, what u think i'm a walking thesaurus is it? Look for it in the dinosaur section ha ha
